In Ireland approximately 600 people are diagnosed each year with only 13% of cases diagnosed at Stage 1.
Pancreatic Cancer in Ireland
Pancreatic cancer is a poor prognosis cancer and has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers. Over a quarter of pancreatic cancer patients die within 2 months of diagnosis.
The current survival rate in Ireland is 14%. This means only 14% of pancreatic cancer patients will still be alive 5 years after their diagnosis.
Survival Rates Snapshot
5 years: 14%
3 years: 17%
2 years: 21%
1 year: 34%
6 months: 50%
3 months: 64%
2 months: 72%
Survival rate statistics are available through the National Cancer Registry Ireland. These statistics are averages based on pancreatic cancer patients in Ireland. If you would like to know more about your own prognosis, speak to your doctor.
Model of Care
Cancer care services in Ireland are designed and supported by the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) team.
Professionals who may be involved in your care
- GP
- Emergency Department Team
- Gastroenterologist
- Radiologist
- Pathologist
- Surgeon
- Medical Oncologist
- Radiation Oncologist
- Pain Specialists
- Specialists Nurses eg cancer liaison nurses, chemotherapy day ward nurses.
- Psychologist
- Dietitian
- Pharmacist